BarDown Sports Disrespects Big Red and All Sports Loving Fans
Earlier this week, the outlet BarDown released this tweet, in which it says they’ll be doing a weekly power rankings based on mascots…
Earlier this week, the outlet BarDown released this tweet, in which it says they’ll be doing a weekly power rankings based on mascots. Seems like a fun idea, right?
These so-called rankings are nothing but a straight, hot, fiery piece of garbage. As there’s one very obvious and glaring omission.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah bud, I’m right there with you. I have no idea how they didn’t include you.
But if you’re thinking to yourself “Fletch, pal, you need to calm down. There’s a whole lot of basketball and hockey mascots on this list. Maybe they just are focusing on the in-season sports,” I’d agree with you, except for one glaring sentence when BD announced how they’re going about the rankings:
regardless of what they’ve done lately.
R E G A R D L E S S O F W H A T T H E Y’ V E D O N E L A T E L Y
You know, as well as I know, all you need to do is give a WKU fan a reason to talk about the past, and they’ll jump at it.
So, let’s take a look at all of the accomplishments of a mascot older than about half (if not more) of the this week’s Top 10, and ponder all together why in the hell Big Red isn’t there.
Two “This is SportsCenter Commercials”
2007 inductee into the Mascot Hall of Fame (third inductee class — MHoF opened in 2005)
Inaugural member of the Capital One Mascot Challenge Hall of Fame
Eight-time competitor in the Mascot Challenge (never a victor, though)
The subject of TWO on campus statues
Inspiration for Italian knockoff mascot
I could go on and on, but I feel like that’s enough.
I urge, from the bottom of my heart, for the BD team to take all of these accounts into consideration for next week’s rankings, and give Big Red the recognition he rightfully deserves.
If you want to help make your voice heard on this issue, send them a Tweet telling them how upset you are Big Red wasn’t included.