#ProTops: Mike White Lone Topper in Mel Kiper’s Three-Round Mock
In his latest three-round mock draft for ESPN, draft guru (is guru the right word? I’ma roll with it anyway) Mel Kiper Jr. has just one…
In his latest three-round mock draft for ESPN, draft guru (is guru the right word? I’ma roll with it anyway) Mel Kiper Jr. has just one Hilltopper making the cut.
Now I wont tell you in what round or which pick he sees White going (you’re going to have to pony up for that INsider subscription. Or get someone else with access to tell you), I will tell you the destination he sees fit for White to start his pro career.
New Orleans.
Kiper says he sees White getting scooped by the Saints (this Falcons fan’s worst nightmare) and even said he “flashed an NFL skill set,” despite tossing too many interceptions while at WKU.
He does go on to say he wouldn’t be surprised if the Saints go QB with their first pick of the draft (Drew Brees needs a successor sooner rather than later), but if it is White in that spot, there are certainly worse places to be. (And, at the same time, no worse place to be. Sorry, my Falconness is showing out again.)