Site News: A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forums
Adding a forum to our website is something I’ve wanted to do for quite a while now.
Adding a forum to our website is something I’ve wanted to do for quite a while now.
Rivals has one, but it’s fairly dormant since their content is very inconsistent as of late.
WKUInsider has a very active one, and Hilltopper Haven exists, but those are forums that have been around for quite some time and there’s a ton of history with a lot of the commenters, which is fine, but it feels daunting when looking for a place to talk.
Also, the Insider and HH forums aren’t our forums. I want something that is our forum. Something that you have to head to The Towel Rack’s front page to access (or, I suppose I should put it this way — a place that can be thought of as “The Towel Rack’s forum.” Much like you think of it as the Insider forum or the HH forum).
Which is what we are announcing today! Well, sort of.
One of our blog pals, Adam Martinez of Mean Green Nation, has started a new site that will be 100% C-USA focued — CUSA Report.
As part of that focus on C-USA is a free forum space that, with Adam’s permission, will become the offical TTR forum. I honestly haven’t played around with the interface too much so I don’t have step-by-step directions on how do to stuff, but I’ll update this story with that exact thing once I know what it is I’m doing over there.
However, I have already signed up, and you should to.
So, what will make the TTR forum different than the aforementioned forums?
Easy to use, free and open game thread discussion
This is something I’ve always wanted to host here on the site, but with the way Medium is laid out (mostly: the comments section) I’ve never understood how to go about doing it. So, we’re gonna host them on the forums! As for the threads themselves, that will evolve over time. I’d love them to be a combination of a running play-by-play and a pure real-time discussion (something like what you’ll find on an SBNation Game Discussion Thread)
A place to share news and thoughts
Twitter is great, and we have built a very fun, engaging and smart following. But, you can only talk about so much, and to such an extent, on Twitter. So, let’s head to the forum!
If White shines in the Senior Bowl, lets talk about it there. If Courtney Lee makes the All Star game, lets talk about it there. If the baseball team loses nine of the first 12 games to start the season, lets talk about it there.
Make new friends along the way
What better bond than the Hilltoppers to create new friends? This will be a place where we can talk Toppers, meet new friends, and show the rest of C-USA how smart and passionate we are when it comes to the Tops.
I hope you’ll take the plunge with us and use the forums. I hope you’ll make it a part of your daily routine when it comes to talking shop about WKU. This should be a lot of fun, and I can’t wait to get started.