Site News: We want YOU to join The Towel Rack writing staff
When we launched back in August, we had a simple goal — to bring you the best coverage of Western Kentucky athletics on the interwebs. And…
When we launched back in August, we had a simple goal — to bring you the best coverage of Western Kentucky athletics on the interwebs. And, if I’m being completely honest, I’d have to say we’ve done a so-so job at that goal. I’d give us a C+/B-. There’s been some good and some bad.
So, that’s where YOU get to come in.
In order to further advance the site to help reach our goal, we are looking for new writers on the website.
First, what exactly are we looking for?
“Beat” writers
But not in the true sense of the word (hence the quotation marks). In essence, we are looking for “guys.” (“gals” are more than welcome, too.) I’m the ProTops “guy.” Marcus is our basketball “guy.” Josh is our recruiting “guy.” And, while that’s a good start, we are looking for more.
Travis Hudson’s volleyball squad is a great passion of mine, but since I don’t live in Bowling Green anymore, it’s near impossible to write about them. The Lady Toppers seem primed for another great run, and it’d be awesome to have someone who knows them better than the back of their hand. Jason Neidell has his soccer squad have had one of their best seasons in recent memory, and we’d love to have coverage about that.
Basically, if you want to write about anything WKU related — an above sport, a sport we already have coverage on, a spring sport (baseball, softball, etc.) — we’d love to have you aboard.
Graphics folks
We have an awesome logo and a nifty ProTops graphics that were designed by Trey Turner, and we are forever greatful. And, there will surely be a need for another graphic soon. Not sure when, but soon. If you’re willing to help out, that’d be awesome.
Okay, so that’s kind of what we’re looking for. But, if you’re interested in helping out but what you’re looking to do doesn’t quite fall under either of those umbrellas, reach out anyway and we can work something out.
Alright, now that that’s out of the way, what will it take to actually join our staff?
Very little, actually
We’re not looking for fantastic, award winning writers. Any level of writing experience you have will be accepted. Long-time blogger? Awesome, welcome aboard! Looking for your start in writing and covering a team? Sounds great, we’d love to help you learn.
Having said that, there are a couple of things you WILL need.
1.) A love and passion for the Hilltoppers.
If you love the Tops, welcome aboard. We are a site by the fans and for the fans, so being a WKU fan comes first and foremost.
2.) Reliability
If you say you’re good for a preview or recap, we’re gonna count on you to provide it. If you say you’ll have an opinion or analysis piece ready by the end of the week, we’ll be planning for it to run by the end of the week.
Alright, so, all of this is laid out, and you’re still wanting to join our team. Whats next?
Let us know what position you’d like to fill at the site, and send a writing sample between 500–1,000 words to We will read it, see if you’ll be a good fit, and then let you know the good news!